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Northern Nevada Conservative: November 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My Response to Michael Moore

I saw this on Michelle Malkin. I suggest you read it. I have posted my conservative manifesto below in rebuttal.

Dear Looney Leftist,

The following is my promise to you in our time in the minority.

1. We will always respect you for your liberal beliefs. We will never, ever, call you "unpatriotic" simply because you disagree with us. We will, however, call you unpatriotic when you insist upon appeasing terrorists and putting our lives and children's lives at risk.

2. We will let you marry whomever you want, even when some of us consider your behavior to be "different" or "immoral." We will, however, promise to fight your socialist agenda of moral equivalence on all fronts, including marriage.

3. We will not spend your grandchildren's money on our personal whims or to enrich our friends. That means even from the minority, I will fight your socialized medicine tooth and nail. Not to mention your instance that the government pay for your kind to kill their children. The good news for us is, at the rate you kill your kids, you can't hold the majority for long.

4.When you soon bring our sons and daughters home from Iraq, please leave ours there. Though I will never understand your belief that freedom is not worth fighting for, I respect your right to that belief. We will continue to volunteer ourselves and our children to fight and die for your right to be a noodle spined appeaser.

5.When you make America the last Western democracy to have socialized medicine, and all Americans are able to get help from underpaid, disgruntled doctors, after having to wait months to get poor medical attention. We promise that you, too, will be able to see a doctor, regardless of your ability to pay. And regardless of how much money you have, you will be forced to deal with second rate medical care. And from the minority, I will fight to save the lives of your unborn children you seek to murder in the name of a form of stem cell research that has produced no medical advances to date.

6.Even though we have opposed environmental regulation, we hope when you clean up our air and water, you, the Democratic majority, will let us, too, park our private jets right next the ones you and Al Gore travel around in preaching environmental regulation.

7.Should a mass murderer ever kill 3,000 people on our soil, we will devote every single resource to tracking him down and bringing him to justice; immediately following your liberal friends writing a stern letter to solve the problem, as you have tended to do in the past. We will also promise not to bomb and aspirin factory to cover up our own adultery.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Great Timing Rumy.

Immediately after finishing my last post, I see on msnbc that Rumsfeld is stepping down. It was listed in their breaking news banner with no article yet, so I don't have a better link. I kinda knew it was gonna happen, since all the talking heads were saying it last night. If this move had been made two weeks ago, this would have been a different election. Again, I don't have a crystal ball to know if the Republicans would have held the house if Rumsfeld made this move a couple weeks ago, but it would have been a different election. Thanks Rumy.

Now That It's Over, the Gloves are Off

I have refrained from expressing much of my dissapointment with the GOP until now because I help hope that they may pull it out. Many people seem to think the solution for my frustration with the GOP was to vote for democrats. The problem I have with that, is I dislike many Republicans because half the time (or more) they act like liberals. So putting a democrat in office would not solve my problem.

Looking for someone to blame for the national failure of the GOP yesterday? Start with Rumsfeld. Those who are close to me have been hearing me say for some time now that Rumsfeld needs to go. Next person to blame? The President. It really has nothing to do with whether or not Rumsfeld is doing a good job. In politics, perception is reality. Americans want change in Iraq and we have known that for some time now. There really does not seem to be a major change we can make in Iraq to turn things around. The GOP should have turned to perception, and they didn't. In politics, especially at a high level, you must understand going in that you may be asked to fall on the sword. Enter Donald Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld should have recognized his opportunity to fall on the sword and he should have stepped down. It would have given the American people the perception of taking a new direction in Iraq. If he stepped down two weeks ago, this is a much different election. I don't have my crystal ball to say the GOP would have held congress, but it would have been much different.

If Rumsfeld was unwilling to step down, the President shoud have offered some encouragement.

This situation has nothing to do with right or wrong and it has everything to do with the good of the party and the American people.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Why I am Voting Yes on Question 7

I previously offered an interview with Neal Levine from CRCM (and he's not a stoner, as many have indicated they suspect). I want to offer my thoughts and reasons for supporting Question 7.

One theory that I have recently heard is that it is the first step to legalizing all drugs. The theory happens to come from someone who's opinion I value greatly and consider on many issues. While there is no doubt a portion of the yes on 7 folks who have that type of an agenda, I do not; and it is my opinion that the "legalize all drugs" crowd represents a very small portion of those of us who support question 7.

So why weed and not coke, meth, or heroin? My reason is simple. Our government is here to protect us from our enemies, not ourselves. The only people being hurt by marijuana are the uses themselves. In my opinion, it is your God given right to destroy your body and brain in any way you so choose. The problem with the other drugs I have listed is the effect they have on people. People do not think or act right when they are under the control of those substances. Meth steals your soul, and I have seen it first hand. People whom I used to call friends turned from honest, generous people to shady, unethical theives in a matter of months. The side effects of drugs like meth cause people to steal and become violent in search of more.

The effects of marijuana include laziness and mental slowness. I have met plenty of people who have never touched weed that are slow and lazy. No one tries to lock them up. As long as you take care of yourself and your family so I don't have to, I really don't care how slow or lazy you are.

I find most of the arguments agianst Question 7 especially baffling living in Nevada. We have 24/7 gambling, alcohol, and prostitution. You can light up a cigarette anywhere you please, but pot is evil? And don't forget, fast food on every corner. Every single one of those things I just listed is more damaging to society than pot. If you visit, they have the proof. Their statistics are a little old, but still valid.

We'll start at the top, with cigarettes. They kill 435,000 Americans every year. So if you are hell bent on a mission to save people from themselves, that would be a good place to start. Not to mention second hand smoke. Funny thing is, most of the people who have told me that they don't want 7 to pass, are voting against both 4 and 5. I really don't understand what the logic there is. You don't want a people to be able to smoke weed at home, but you are all in favor of sucking down a lucky strike at the slot machine at Albertsons, around our kids? If you are one of those people and you are reading this, please comment on why you feel that way. I would really like to discuss it with you.

Next on the list is poor diet and exersise. 365,000 Americans each year die due to poor diet and exersise. I know for a fact many of the same people that are against question 7 hit the drive through for lunch almost daily. Maybe next election cycle we need an initiative to outlaw fast food. It is much more dangerous than marijuana.

Third on the list? Alcohol. 85,000 people each year due to alcohol consumption. And eleventh on the list is sexual behaviors, of which I would include prostatution. 20,000 people each year die from their sexual behaviors.

All of the things I have just discussed are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week here in Nevada. So what is the number of deaths due to marijuana consumption each year? Well, in 2000, that number was zero. Nada, zip, zilch, nothing, not one. Not a single person died due to marijuana consumption. So by leaving marijuana illegal, you are still not even saving anyone from themselves.

But what kind of a message does it send to our kids? I hear that one a lot. Well, all of the things we just talked about are legal and in our kids faces every day. We choose to educate our kids about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco, and sex, why not add marijuana to the list? Education is the key to keeping your kids away from all the bad habbits you don't want them to have. I am perplexed by the fact that most of the people that use the "what about the kids argument" are against sex ed in school. You don't trust the government to teach your kids about sex, but you rely on them to teach your kids about drugs? That dog don't hunt. Again, if this is you, please comment, because I really don't understand.

So we have established that marijuana is not nearly as dangerous as the government would have you believe. So when is marijuana dangerous? Marijuana is dangerous when it is being sold. Drug dealers carry guns and take part in violent activities. If a pot head could get is pot at the local head shop, he would have no reason to go visit a scary drug dealer in a bad neighborhood. You could effectively wipe out a huge portion of drug dealers in Nevada with one piece of legislation. Put them all out of business.

A survey taken at my high school while I was there (it's been about ten years now) showed that 71% of the seniors at my high school had tried pot, regardless of the illegal status. For those of you who's biggest fear is the message to the kids, I hope that's a message to you. If you have more than one child, statistically you will have a kid that at least tries smoking weed once. When they do, would you rather have them go to get it from a drug dealer in a bad neighborhood with a gun, or a local store?

In wrapping up my tyraid, I moved to Nevada 3 years ago from the socialist state of California. One of the major reasons was the tax structure here in Nevada. Thanks to casinos and gambling, we pay very little in taxes compared to other states. If the weed is gonna be sold anyway, why not get our share? Those new cops we are crying for, could be financed by weed. Not to mention the man hours that would be freed up if our law enforcement wasn't wasting their time putting a kid in jail over night for a joint.

Oh yeah, and that court battle that is coming if Question 7 passes, bring it on. We are long overdue for a states rights battle, I would love to see it happen right here in Nevada.

Vote yes on Question 7.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

After Reading This, I Won't Be Able to Sleep

I have taken this entire post from Peakah's Provocations. Please go there to read the rest. It is my sincere hope that some pro-baby murderers, I mean pro-choicers, stop by and read this.

Stories like this make me sick to my stomach but what's worse, these stories are happening as you read this... SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!! THIS IS INFANTACIDE!!

Throw-Away BabiesBy Sharon Hughes

What do some hospitals do with babies that are aborted but still alive? Throw them in the ‘dirty room’. What happens if a nurse reports such treatment? They’re fired. What happens when hospitals violate the Born Alive Infants Protection Act and falsify legal documents? My guest, Jill Stanek, a nurse-now journalist, who goes where few women dare to go...bravely exposing the abortion industry's true face, talked with me about this on the show today.

Go Get 'Em Trump!

Donald Trump was already one of my heros, but this article on moved him up quite a few coolness points in my book. Apparently the city of Palm Beach thinks his flag is too tall and they want it taken down. Trump has this to say:

"anyone who objects should not, in my opinion, hold a public office of any kind -- at least not in this country."

Well said Mr. Trump.