After Reading This, I Won't Be Able to Sleep
I have taken this entire post from Peakah's Provocations. Please go there to read the rest. It is my sincere hope that some pro-baby murderers, I mean pro-choicers, stop by and read this.
Stories like this make me sick to my stomach but what's worse, these stories are happening as you read this... SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!! THIS IS INFANTACIDE!!
Throw-Away BabiesBy Sharon HughesWhat do some hospitals do with babies that are aborted but still alive? Throw them in the ‘dirty room’. What happens if a nurse reports such treatment? They’re fired. What happens when hospitals violate the Born Alive Infants Protection Act and falsify legal documents? My guest, Jill Stanek, a nurse-now journalist, who goes where few women dare to go...bravely exposing the abortion industry's true face, talked with me about this on the show today.
Thanks for the link brah. It's a sad day when these children are being massacred with the state's blessing...
...who's next? The infirm or 'invalid'? We've already begun down that road haven't we... Remember Terry Schiavo?
Keep up the good work my friend.
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