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Northern Nevada Conservative: Jill Derby: The Daughter of D.C. Or is it CA?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Jill Derby: The Daughter of D.C. Or is it CA?

Jill Derby has gone to great lengths in her campaign to make here sound the the Nevadan's Nevadan. Today I came across Derby's latest FEC report and I have a few questions for Jill Derby.

1. If you are so well loved in Nevada, how come more than half of your contributions came for out side of Nevada? I count 63 total contributions and 33 from out of state. Who's interests do you really have in mind Jill?

2. If you have so much dislike for the Washington D.C., how come 22% of your donations have come from D.C.?

3. Typically died in the wool Nevadans (like you claim to be) don't like Californians much. (Being an escaped Californian myself, trust me, I have heard all about it) Why are 16% of your donations coming from California?

Jill Derby is hoping she will be able to sneak her liberal values right past us by parading around as some half conservative, non-politician, D.C. outsider, home grown Nevadan. The truth about Jill Derby is she is as liberal as they come, has been a politician for quite a long time, the big liberals in D.C. are funding her campaign, and her "Nevada values" are for sale.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger UpNorth said...

What would the founder of the minutemen say to Jim Gibbons's hiring of an illegal alien as his nanny?

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Ziomal said...

Very nice! I like it. hyundai elantra bumper


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