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Northern Nevada Conservative: Feds Crap on the Tenth Amendment, Again

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Feds Crap on the Tenth Amendment, Again

As you may know, California enacted a medical marijuana law in 1996. According to federal law (mind you, not the constitution) still lists marijuana as being illegal for any use, medical or otherwise. The DEA has consistently raided medical marijuana clinics since their inception. Well, they did it again.

LOS ANGELES - Federal drug agents raided nearly a dozen medical marijuana clinics in California, seizing several thousand pounds of processed marijuana, along with weapons and money, authorities said.

In case you have forgotten, the tenth amendment states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Since marijuana is not addressed within the Constitution, it is well within the rights of the people of California to legalize marijuana for whatever use they see fit, medical or otherwise.

Whether you support medical marijuana or not, I hope this causes you some serious outrage. The people voted for it, and the Constitution supports, but the feds don't care. Just because it's not your rights that are being infringed upon today doesn't mean it won't be yours tomorrow.


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