Todd Zuccato Takes the Reigns
You may have heard by now that Eric Odom has stepped down as a director of NICPAC. Eric is an extraordinary individual and will be greatly missed. In Eric's absence, I have stepped into the Executive Director roll at NICPAC. It is a very exciting opportunity for me, as I have stepped in at an excellent time. Eric, Mathew Comprix, and I have been able to generate a lot of momentum in NICPAC over the last few months, and Matt and I are going to take that momentum and run with it.
NICPAC has been under assault from several directions in the blogosphere lately, and that is wonderful news. Before you think I have lost my mind, let me explain. People don't waste time attacking people who are insignificant. The fact that the attacks and accusations are coming means we are making people uncomfortable.
There is a second piece of good news that comes from these attacks. They are attacking us personally and fabricating conspiracy theories of scandals. Why is that positive? It means they can't touch us on policy.
I am honored that my associates nominated me to take the Executive Director position and I hope you will all stick around to see what happens. We have an opportunity to make a serious impact on