Northern Nevada Conservative
This site is dedicated to the propagation of strong conservative values on the local, state, and federal levels.
Friday, March 31, 2006
What Are They Protesting?
It is no secret that Hispanics have been protesting all over the country for the past several days. What I really want to know is, what are they protesting? The Las Vegas Sun asked this very question and got some very interesting answers.
No one ever said that Mexicans can't cross. We are only asking you not cross illegally. Is it to much to ask that when you visit another country, you don't break law? I don't blame him, though. The boy is only 14 years old. It makes me wonder what kind of terrible inaccurate information the kid gets from his family, friends, and school teachers.Heleodoro Carillo, 14, an eighth grader at a Las Vegas middle school said he joined the protest after arriving at school "so we can take off the law."
"They want to put the law at the border so Mexicans can't cross," Carillo said.
The Las Vegas Sun spoke to another protester and got equally uninformed comments.
Ashlee Espinoza, 16, who attends Desert Pines High School, said the government is unfairly targeting Hispanics.
"It's not fair that they just focus on us," said Espinoza, who was born in Santa Maria, Calif., and has live in Las Vegas for nine years. "I'm an American. Some of us we didn't cross the border, the border crossed us."The government is targeting Hispanics? I must have missed the part of the bill that read "Only Mexicans are to be punished for entering the US illegally. All other races should be set free and congratulated." I do have to say, I like the attempt to spin off a Malcom X quote. I am very curious how she determined this bill targets Mexicans. If Mexicans receive any punishment for being here illegally, it's a night in jail and a trip home. If an Arab were caught in this county illegally right now, would they receive the same punishment? Doubtful. More likely they would be interrogated and held for quite some time. Not to mention of all his or her friends and family would be brought in and interrogated as well.
Let's face it. Students of all ages have been walking out of schools all week long to protest and they are really not sure why.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Does Our Government Keep Us Broke?
In many ways our economic system is designed to keep us broke. Take our federal reserve for example. Here is a very simple explanation of our federal reserve. The federal reserve determines the interest rate at which banks borrow money and therefore sets the rate at which we, the general public, borrows money. If the government would like to spur our economy, they lower rates and encourage us to go into debt. I am not going to explore the differences between good debt and bad debt here. Hopefully if you don't already know, I have inspired you to go find out. So we have borrowed money and now we are spending it and the economy has picked up pace. But what is the long term outcome? Now instead of saving our money, we are out spending it and accruing new debt, to ensure that for many years to come, we will not save anything, and instead pay loads of interest to the banks. Congratulations, we have now secured the financial future of the bank. Now that we know the bank is safe, what happens to people who have saved nothing in their golden years? They end up trying to retire on social security. If you want to spur the economy, give us a tax break. Atleast then the money we are spending to spur the economy is ours, and we will not be paying it back for up to thirty years. I want to make clear,this is by no means an attack on the federal reserve. The Fed does an excellent job with the resources they are given. Besides they are the least of our problems.
Let's take a look at our tax structure. What is the biggest tax break most people will receive? For most people, it will be the interest you pay on your home. Sounds like a good deal right? You pay a lot of money for your home and would like to get some of it back. Now I want you to look at the long term effects. You spend many years paying off your home, but as you get closer to owning it, your tax break goes down. Not only that, but as your tax break goes down, your income is going up (in most cases). So what advice does your accountant give you? You need a bigger house, so you won't get hit so hard in taxes. If you had simply kept that house, all the money you saved from not having a house payment could have been directed towards your retirement, and your golden years would not be spent under the golden arches. Instead, you traded up, bought the bigger house, got the bigger tax break, and began living paycheck to paycheck, again. By giving people an immediate tax break, the government is ensuring these people will need government assistance in the future. Once again, a short term solution to a long term problem. Shouldn't we give the tax break to the person who paid their house off? Atleast then we have taken some positive action to encourage the population to be financially independent in retirement.
While we are on the subject of retirement, let's take a look at the retirement vehicles available to us here in America. The most popular of which is the 401k. Hey, this is a great idea. I get to invest money and I get a tax break. Sounds good to me. But is Uncle Sam going to let us slide on these taxes? I think not. When you go to access that money, all of the taxes are due. So let me get this straight. I get a tax break now, when I have a job and an income, but once I am retired, and I need the money the most, now I have to pay taxes? This is in now way meant to be investment advice. I am in no way trying to discourage you from putting money into a 401k. My point is, if you gave me a tax break now, and a tax break later, I wouldn't need to collect social security, and the government wouldn't need my tax money.
This is a wake up call to America. Stop encouraging me to go into debt now, you will just be supporting me later. Stop encouraging me to get a tax break now, you will just be supporting me later.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Call It What It Is
People all over the country and all over Northern Nevada came out in protest of proposed new immigration laws nationwide. The Reno gazette Journal headline pretty much says it all
Hispanic students protest in Reno, CarsonThe news all over the country is reporting this as outrage against new proposed immigration laws. If these laws are so unfair, where are the Canadian protesters? How about the Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, and Korean protesters? They are no where to be found because they understand something very important here. Immigration into this country is a privilege, not a right. That is something all of the protesters have dead wrong. So let's call this what it is. An isolated group of people who for some reason don't feel like they should be required to play by the rules. Our Statue of Liberty says:
Give me your tired, your poor,No where does it say "bring me your immoral, your unjust, and your criminals." Once again, I am going to call it like it is. If a person has entered this country without following the proper procedures, that person is a criminal and should be treated as such. If we allow these people to stay here and even welcome them, what kind of a message does that send to those who are waiting patiently to enter this country legally? What kind of a message are we sending to the people who have been granted immunity? Please, break our laws. We will forgive you. How do we expect them to follow the rest of our laws when they have already been rewarded for breaking one?
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The Soldier
The Soldier
It is the soldier, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.It is the soldier, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.It is the soldier, not the campus organizer,
who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.It is the soldier, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.It is the soldier,
who salutes the flag,
who serves under the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.
By Father Dennis Edward O'Brien, USMC
Monday, March 20, 2006
March 19th Rally
Anti-war protesters were surprised to find some rational opposition to their march to the federal building on Sunday. First, I must hand it to the organizers of the protest. They maintained control and we were able to have a peaceful, civil protest with opposing viewpoints standing side by side. With that being said, I found it at least mildly ironic that that the very right the liberals were exercising would be lost in Iraq should they get their way. There was no such thing as a right to a peaceful demonstration under the rule of Saddam Hussein. One must turn on the nightly news for only a few minutes to hear the latest doom and gloom news from Iraq. The country currently requires the help of many thousands of US troops to maintain the level security it currently enjoys. How would an immediate withdrawal of troops solve the problems the Iraqi people face? No rational person would disagree that an immediate withdrawal of troops would leave Iraq in a state of civil war. This would not be a civil war in the sense we Americans are familiar with. This would not be a war of opposing viewpoints fighting against what they believe is an injustice. This will not be a war of army versus army. This will be a war of terrorists against civilians. This will be a war of rape and intimidation. It will be a war of suicide bombings and dead women and children. It will be a war of mass murder and genocide. Is this a war we are ready to let loose on unprepared civilians? Have we become so selfish as a society that we would offer not help to a nation in need?
The Iraqi government is in a very sensitive stage in its very young existence. There are terrorists crawling in every corner of Iraq who would jump at the chance to insert corrupt, murderous leaders to every office in the country. It would not be too long after that the rights our liberal friends like to exercise so much would be stripped from the Iraqi citizens.
One argument our anti-war counterparts favor is that we brought the attacks of terrorists upon ourselves with our foreign policy. I can agree with that, but that is where our agreement ends. We brought attacks upon ourselves through appeasement of terrorism and our cut and run stratagies of previous administrations. This strategy is not party specific and has proven to the world that the moment we begin loosing lives, we prefer to pack up and head home. Enter the Bush administration. Enter a President who has the fortitude to stay until the job is done. Exit terrorism on US soil. I am by no means saying that we will not see another terrorist attacked. What I am saying is that we are slowly winning the war on terror and our dedication to finishing the job deserves a lot of the credit. Since 9/11 there has not been a major attack on US soil. Europe is not able to say the same. Of course, many on the left would suggest that the terrorist attacks in Europe are our fault. Who's in charge of our national security? That's right. We are. And who is in charge of Europe's national security? That's right. They are. It is the duty of each individual nation to provide their own national security. If every nation would take a serious, pro-active stance on terrorism, we would see an international decline in terrorism. Terrorists thrive on fear and weakness. We should all be thankful this administration and displayed neither fear nor weakness to the terrorists or the international community.