Call It What It Is
People all over the country and all over Northern Nevada came out in protest of proposed new immigration laws nationwide. The Reno gazette Journal headline pretty much says it all
Hispanic students protest in Reno, CarsonThe news all over the country is reporting this as outrage against new proposed immigration laws. If these laws are so unfair, where are the Canadian protesters? How about the Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, and Korean protesters? They are no where to be found because they understand something very important here. Immigration into this country is a privilege, not a right. That is something all of the protesters have dead wrong. So let's call this what it is. An isolated group of people who for some reason don't feel like they should be required to play by the rules. Our Statue of Liberty says:
Give me your tired, your poor,No where does it say "bring me your immoral, your unjust, and your criminals." Once again, I am going to call it like it is. If a person has entered this country without following the proper procedures, that person is a criminal and should be treated as such. If we allow these people to stay here and even welcome them, what kind of a message does that send to those who are waiting patiently to enter this country legally? What kind of a message are we sending to the people who have been granted immunity? Please, break our laws. We will forgive you. How do we expect them to follow the rest of our laws when they have already been rewarded for breaking one?
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Your comment No where does it say "bring me your immoral, your unjust, and your criminals." No where does it say they should be elected into the Senate but the Republican party has done just that.
Immoral - Bill Frist - Insider Trading
Unjust - refusing to use its oversight powers
Criminals - Mr. Cunningham
I do believe if an illegal immigrant is found to have committed a crime other than crossing the border he or she should be sent back, if they are lawful contributing members of society we should find a way to lead them to citizenship. Of course this is after we actually secure the border.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my site and comment. To my knowledge, Mr. Frist has not been convicted of anything. If he is, he deserves to be punished. As for the other accusations you have made, if found guilty, the guilty parties deserved to be punished. Unlike most Democrats, I refuse to play party politics. If someone has broken the law, they deserve to be punished, regardless of race, citizenship, or political party.
You and I can agree that if they are lawful contributing members of society we should find a way to lead them to citizenship. Someone who has entered this country illegally is not a lawful member of society, and should not be treated as such. I don't believe that we are encouraging anyone to become lawful contributing members of society by giving them a free pass on breaking the very first law we have asked them to follow.
Allowing these people to stay illegally also raises a question of fairness in a couple of ways.
First, it is very unfair to the people that have put forth the time and effort to attempt to enter this country legally. Their attempt to follow our laws has now become a punishment.
Secondly, there are thousands of immigrants from dozens of countries who do not have the same opportunity. A Middle Eastern or European immigrant cannot simply run across the border (I realize it is not quite that simple) or sneak in the trunk of a car. They have a plane flight over here, making it much more difficult for them to enter our country illegally. So a free pass to the illegal immigrants in this country amounts to a free pass reserved for Hispanics.
I welcome all immigrants to this country (given they are not criminals, terrorists, etc.). All I ask is that they enter this country legally, the same way my family did fifty years ago.
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