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Northern Nevada Conservative: December 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What President Bush Could Learn From Ahmadinejad

Propaganda 101. If you haven't heard, President Bush told the world today that we are not winning in Iraq. It won't be long before that gets back to our troops. I can't imagine what would posses the Commander in Chief to make such a ridiculous announcement, but what a bad idea. I can only imagine what it will do for troop moral. I can't express how angry I am over this. I am at a loss for words, and that doesn't happen often.

Gun Totin' Teachers

First off, I would like to separate myself from a certain group of people. In my research on this issue, I have come across a group of people that would like to do away with CCW permits, and just blanketly allow everyone to carry concealed weapons. I am not of this crowd. CCW permits allow us to sort out those with violent histories and mental instabilities. Neither of those groups of people should be allow to carry a weapon.

Secondly, I am not completely convinced arming teachers is the solution to school violence. I do, however believe there is enough evidence to support testing the effectiveness of such a proposal. Only when such a method is put in to practice on a small scale will we have the data to make an educated decision about such a proposal.

For those of you who don't already know, this debate began over at Reno and it's Discontents. I encourage you to read the whole thing here and here, including all of the comments.

I would like to point out, I did say we had no evidence pro or con for concealed weapons in schools, so we would need to make assumptions based on data of concealed weapons in the public. I was incorrect and I would like to site a couple of cases below. These both com from a World Net Daily article, based on a follow up Mr. Lott did to his first study.

In the Pearl, Miss., shooting, an assistant principal retrieved his gun from his office and used it to physically immobilize the shooter before he caused additional harm.

In Edinboro, Penn., which left one teacher dead, "a shotgun pointed at the offender while he was reloading his gun prevented additional harm. The police did not arrive for another ten minutes" after the assailant was apprehended by
school staff.

These two cases present clear evidence of lives/injuries saved by the presence of a carefully used weapon in schools. I don't intend to base my entire case around these two incidents, but for now, I have to go. I will continue this in a later post.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Annual Awards

Seems to me that every blog has some type of a year end awards, so I figured, what the heck. I'm jumping on the bandwagon. I may have more than this, but here are a few to get us started.

Best blog of the year:
Dullard Mush. The Anon Guy has done something in the infancy of his blog that I can't compliment enough. Keep up the good work!

Worst blog of the year:
Inside Nevada Politics. Who? Exactly. Six months ago it would have been in the running for the previous award. That was the last time we got a post with any substance.

Best looney lib blog of the year:
NV Upnorth. That guy is wrong on nearly every issue, but his points are well thought out and most times I respect them.

Fake conservative of the year:
Dean Heller. I'm still not sure how he was able to convince so many people he was a conservative.

Runner Up for the fake conservative of the year:
Jill Derby. I wonder if she used Pelosi's San Fransisco money to shoot her commercials for her values "right off the ranch". She probably deserved to win this award, but since Heller won the election, he obviously fooled more people.

Biggest Cajones:
Bob Beers. Giving guns to teachers? Don't get me wrong, I like it, but no politician in their right mind would touch that with a ten foot pole. Kudos to Bob for being fearless in his pursuit of his beliefs.

Runner Up for Biggest Cajones:
Richard Disney. During his campaign, there was not political double speak coming from Richard. Love him or hate him, he always said what was on his mind.

Hypocrite of the Year:
Al Gore. Come on Al. Do you really expect us to believe you burned enough jet fuel for me to drive my gas guzzling SUV around the world a couple dozen times because you truly care about the environment? We're not as dumb as you look. By the way, you may want to fuel up the ole' jet again and get to preaching about going veg, since cows are worse polluters than cars. I hear a new movie in the works. An inconvenient toot.

Big Hat No Cattle Award:
Jim Gibbons. Besides his name, what exactly did Gibbons campaign on? Yes I held my nose and voted for him, because he was better than Titus, but man what a raw deal for Nevadans. Watching him debate was something else. Most times, his answer had nothing to do with the question, and everything to do with whatever talking points on his cue card he hadn't hit yet. Gibbons proved you can win an election by tossing out random buzz words at appropriate times.

Election Surprise of the Year:
Joe Enge. I'm still not sure how a conservative managed to penetrate the liberal fortress of the school board, but good job Joe!

If I feel the need, there may be more to come.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

1st Hurdle Cleared for Legends

Last night, the Nevada Commission on Tourism approved the Legends development in Sparks. It still awaits approval by the Govenour and the Sparks City Council. The project will be subsidized by STAR bonds. I do expect to see more resistance as this moves forward. You will always have the "anti-progress" crowd who perpetually longs for "the way things used to be" and the "screw big business" crowd who will complain about the usage of STAR bonds.

As an unabashed capitalist, I am all for this development. And it's not just cause I live near there (but I am already counting the dollar signs in real estate appreciation), but this could really launch Sparks as a tourist town. That will only mean more tax dollars for the city of Sparks. And that only mean more improvements to the great city of Sparks. But of course, we will lose a huge patch of dead weeds and unused space, which I'm sure will anger some.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Remember Pearl Harbor

I have felt uninspired to write much lately, but I felt this is very important. Take a minute to remember those who gave their lives on December 7, 1941. May the lives lost at Pearl Harbor forever serve as a reminder of the evil that exists in our world.