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Northern Nevada Conservative: Homerun for NICPAC and Protest Warrior

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Homerun for NICPAC and Protest Warrior

NICPAC and Protest Warrior hit a homerun with their Pro America Rally in Carson City. Thank you to all the other organizations that showed up in force. Over 120 people gathered at the Capitol Building in Carson City today. Flags were plentiful among the crowd, and I have pictures of it in the post above.

I should also have video soon or at least audio, of our brilliant speaker, Richard Disney. Disney is an unquestionable conservative and Republican candidate for District 26. He told a story of how his wife immigrated to this country from Peru more than ten years ago. Inspired by Disney's speech, many told stories of how they and their families immigrated to this country from countries all over the world. Rosa White, a Hispanic American, also told us about her feelings here. I also have video of a great interview with Eric Odom, one of the directors of NICPAC and an organizer of the event here. I apologize the audio is not great, it is tough to hear over all the honking and and yelling. This was powerful statement about how Americans feel about immigration. As Americans, we are proud of the diversity that has made this the great country it is today. A diverse nation, built by legal immigrants.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm so upset I wasn't able to make it.

Great post!

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Todd Zuccato said...

Thanks. We had alot of fun and got some great support from passers by.


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