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Northern Nevada Conservative: NICPAC Brings Chris Simcox to Reno

Monday, June 05, 2006

NICPAC Brings Chris Simcox to Reno

Chris brought his message from the frontline of the war for border security. He message is simple. If Washington doesn't take our national security seriously, he does. Together with his Minuteman Civil Defense Corps volunteers, we will secure our borders.

Sharing the stage with Mr. Simcox were Rosa Villanueva White, vice-chair of the Club for Sound Government, Richard Disney, candidate for Assembly District 26, and yours truly.

At the end of Rosa's speech, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Rosa is a proud American whose parents came to America from Mexico. She had a very clear message for the radical activists of the open borders crowd; "You don't speak for me".

Richard Disney told the crowd he will fight to enforce the immigration laws Nevada has on the books if elected.

Chris Simcox also spoke to us about the story we don't hear much about. Coyotes (Mexican immigrant smugglers) leaving families and sometimes large groups to die in the Arizona desert. There is a whole struggle going on there that we don't hear much about.

You see, these coyotes are giving kickbacks to the corrupt Mexican officials. Due to this situation, Mexico is really offering no help to people with immigration hopes. These people then turn to coyotes for help.

Chris has personally aided in saving live of hundreds of people who have been left to die in the desert. His mission goes far beyond the security of our country. He knows that securing the border would save thousands of lives each year; lives of those who will have the opportunity to become Americans.


At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's happened to Disney? His site is gone and you don't hear anything from him.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Todd Zuccato said...

I think his site has been hacked. He is having problems with it.

At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who would hack his site? He probably needs to change his hosting company. It does seem weird how his site goes down about the same time as the whole Cobbgobbler dust-up occurs.

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't you show the post asking who'd hack Disney's site? I only mentioned how Cobbgobbler has become the new Assembly 26 rage. By not posting that, it makes me think perhaps there is some bizarre connection.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Todd Zuccato said...

Simple oversight. My apologies.


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